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Welcome Leaders!

The 4-H program wouldn't exist without our 4-H Leaders.  These individuals, often parents of 4-H club members, take on the shared responsibility of leading activities which range from Skills or Livestock projects to Communications, Community Service or Fundraising activities. Clubs are busy throughout the year, so we encourage volunteers to create leadership teams to share the workload of various tasks. This document includes a suggested breakdown of Club Leadership Team Roles

NEW Leader Forms are HERE - please click below!

If you have NEVER been a leader volunteer leader with 4-H before, go here! These steps will help you to become a Screened Volunteer Leader



This is the highest level of volunteer training in the 4-H program. This page will help new volunteers or volunteers who of are of screened leader status to become a Trained Volunteer Leader


If you have completed the requirements to be a Screened OR Trained Volunteer in previous years, go here!

Quick links to some important components of becoming a leader or maintaining your leader status:
Commit to Kids image.jpg
Commit to Kids image.jpg

The "most common" leader roles in the 4-H program are Overall Leader and Project Leader. An Overall Leader is typically an individual who has an established history in the program who oversee a club and provide guidance to both club members and the members on the leadership team. A Project Leader is a volunteer with an interest in a particular subject area (or two!) who is willing to ensure members have an opportunity to Learn to Do by Doing in a structured and supportive environment. It is not about being an expert - it is about being interested and willing, so sometimes Project Leaders are learning a skill alongside their members. 


4-H Canada implemented new Youth Safety Policies (click to read) as of 2020. More than ever, it is crucial that Clubs have an adequate number of Volunteer Leaders to help meet the Rule of Two Policy. We encourage ALL parents to complete the New Volunteer Leader requirements so that they are able to fill in when leaders are needed. 
























Rule of 2 Info Card Pg 1.jpg

Reference Form for New Leaders

Online - Click Here

PDF - Click Here

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