(aka Public Speaking)
Communications is one of the 4 (four) requirements needed for a member to complete the 4-H year
The goal of the 4-H Communications project is to assist members in strengthening their communication skills throughout their 4-H career. The aim is to ensure that members are aware of the areas in which they are doing well, and also the areas where they may need to improve as they develop this skill.
All 4-H members (with the exception of Cloverbuds) are expected to participate in some form of communications at the Club Communication Event OR at another event/time as approved by the Communications Coordinator (or Club Coordinator) AND the Regional 4-H Specialist
Club Communication events are to be completed by March 31 of the given 4-H year to allow adequate time to prepare for Regional Communication Events and the Provincial Public Speaking & Demonstration Competition.​
EXCEPTION: Alternate Communications
Any member who requires an *Alternate Communications Project* must fill out an 'Alternate Communication Request Form' at their earliest convenience. This option is typically reserved for Senior members who have had at least 2 years experience with communications, but exceptions can be made on a case to case basis.
Alternate Communication presentations must be prepared and presented by the 4-H member and the presentation must incorporate speaking/demonstration skills as outlined in the guidelines and be of acceptable length (i.e. the given time for the member's speaking category)
Approval from the 4-H Specialist and Club Communications Coordinator is necessary before the member can utilize this option for for completion.
​​Please reach out to your Regional 4-H Specialist to request an Alt. Comms Form
Communications Score Sheets are available from your 4-H Specialist or can be printed from the list below. (Please remember to print 3 copies per member - double sided)
RESOURCE - 4-H Speech Planning Worksheet
RESOURCE - 4-H Demonstration Planning Worksheet
RESOURCE - 4-H Illustrated Talk Planning Worksheet